Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Review: Food, Inc. (DVD)

"You'll never look at dinner the same way again."

That's the tagline from this movie. If I knew how true that was I may have never watched it. I always figured, ignorance is bliss and what you don't know, can't hurt you - so if you are going to brave watching "Food, Inc." like I did, I'm going to warn you - that ignorance is going to give way to knowledge and take away all your bliss you get from food, and you will know things that will hurt your heart and change the way you think about all things food until you're old and have Alzheimer's and forget everything. When the time comes, please - let me eat anything I want to, but until then "Food Inc" has caused me to completely change my diet.

I knew what I was getting into with this. I knew documentaries can be pretty powerful and even as the movie berated me with these awful facts about food, I knew I needed to make sure to research the other side to get a balanced view before making any opinions. But when I ended up reading the ingredients, or going to the big company's websites and not reading denials of the awful things they do, but rather them simply stating they do in fact do these things and that they do it for the benefit of us, I was appalled and shocked.

I originally went into this movie wanting to know more about corn syrup, which, as I learned from watching the disappointing "The Informant!" with Matt Damon, is in everything. Literally most food we consume has some corn syrup, or some deviation of corn syrup in it. I'm not exactly sure why other than to put money into big corporation's pockets. I mean really, does orange juice need corn syrup to taste good? What about pasta sauce? Really? So I wanted to know more about this. What I got was also an in depth look at the food industry as a whole, which also includes the huge soy bean farms and of course, the atrocious meat industry. It really digs deep into the industries, providing factual information to prove their point. It's quite a film, and an impressive one if it is able to have the effect it did on me to every viewer, than that's the power of a good film.

I'm not going to use this review as a soap box to stand on to discuss all the things they do in the film. Watch the movie yourself. Or don't. Make a decision to either want to gain the knowledge about the food we eat and be disgusted, or don't watch and eat in happiness enjoying all your favorites. To me, it's a lose - lose. You either become aware and angry or stay blind and happy. I won't blame you for either, but as I begin a change in my life to become a vegetarian and to read the labels of all the food I buy, just know if you watch "Food, Inc." there is no going back.

Patrick Approval Rating: 9/10

"Food, Inc." @ imdb

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