Thursday, February 11, 2010

Revisiting: Star Trek (DVD)

To preface this revisiting review I must explain how I end up watching many of my movies. You see, it takes me about forty-five minutes to an hour to fall asleep at night. And in the meantime, while I lay in my bed waiting to relax and pass out, I usually put on a movie. I have some criteria for what types of movies these should be. It should be one I've seen before so as I'm not so enthralled I need to know what happens next and end up watching the whole thing. It can't be scary or an intense thriller because I actually need to fall asleep and relax and not get all wired up and scared. And it should be a movie that's easy to watch, as in I can fall asleep to it one night and then pick right up the night after with no problem, then rinse and repeat that process. These movies tend to take a good three or fours nights to get through. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's sort of a ritual.

So "Star Trek." It took me four nights with a weekend trip to Disney World stuck in the middle to get through this, so my review may be disjointed and not so much a review at all, but I've seen it before and enjoyed it very much the first time. The same goes for the second time around too!

Never did I thought I would like "Star Trek." I am and will forever be a "Star Wars" geek at heart and I didn't think one could love and appreciate both- that it was one or the other. But JJ Abrams, who I've been a fan of his work since "Alias," made "Star Trek" accessible to everybody. He brought it beyond the Trekkies, so that everybody could enjoy it. I thought the story was original enough to please old fans and different enough so that new fans wouldn't be lost or need any prior "Star Trek" knowledge. I also commend whoever decided to worked this prequel in with a time travelling bit, so that now anything goes in this parallel to the original "Star Trek" universe. It's a great idea and a great setup for future "Star Trek" projects. And, by George I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am looking forward to future "Star Trek" installments.

Patrick Approval Rating: 9/10

Star Trek @ imdb

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